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We need your help!



Hi all!

We are two Dutch students, currently in our high school senior year. Now, before we get our diploma we need to do an essay about a self elected subject. Our subject is national anthems (Nationalhymnen) and of course we're going to discuss several national anthems including yours, Das Deutschlandlied!

We're having a survey (Umfrage) in different languages to see what people think about their own national anthem. Now is the thing that we also want to have a survey in German, however our German isn't well enough to make a representative survey. So now our question to you is if you would like to take some time to translate our questions and answers for us? We would really appreciate your effort!

If you want to know more or have a question for us, feel free to ask!

Here are our questions and answers needing a German translation, (please note that we really need a correct translation!):

Do you know your national anthem by heart?
Yes, I know all the verses.
Yes, I know some verses.

Do you think that children and teens are supposed to learn their national anthem either educated by their parents or school?
- Yes, I think it's important for kids to be educated well about this tradition.
- No, I dont think this is relevant.

Does your national anthem appeal to you?
- Yes, it does.
- No, it doesn't.

Why does your national anthem appeal to you?
- It gives a certain sense of unity/togetherness.
- The text appeals to me.
- The music appeals to me.
- It appeals to me because it is an important tradition to me.

Why doesn't your national anthem appeal to you?
- I think it is too patriotic.
- I don't like the content of the text.
- I don't like the music.
- I'm just not the person for tradition.

On what occasions do you sing your national anthem?
- I never sing my national anthem.
- Sporting events.
- National holidays.
- On other occasions.

Do you think your national anthem needs renewal?
- Yes, the text desperately needs to be revised.
- Yes, the music is too old fashioned.
- No, it is good the way it is.

Thank you for your time!

Merlinde & Nick


Do you know your national anthem by heart?
Yes, I know all the verses.
Yes, I know some verses.
Kennst du deine Nationalhymne auswendig?
Ja, ich kenne jede Strophe.
Ja, ich kenne manche Strophen

Do you think that children and teens are supposed to learn their national anthem either educated by their parents or school?
- Yes, I think it's important for kids to be educated well about this tradition.
- No, I dont think this is relevant.
Denkst du, dass Kinder und Jugendliche ihre Nationalhymne von ihren Eltern oder in der Schule lernen sollten?
- Ja, ich denke es ist wichtig, dass Kinder sie beigebracht bekommen
- Nein ich denke nicht, dass das wichtig ist

Does your national anthem appeal to you?
- Yes, it does.
- No, it doesn't.
Spricht dich deine Nationalhymne an?
- Ja, tut sie.
- Nein, tut sie nicht.

Why does your national anthem appeal to you?
- It gives a certain sense of unity/togetherness.
- The text appeals to me.
- The music appeals to me.
- It appeals to me because it is an important tradition to me.
Warum spricht dich deine Nationalhymne an?
- Sie gibt mir das Gefühl der Einheit/Gemeinsamkeit
- Der Text spricht mich an
- Die Musik/Melodie spricht mich an
- Weil es eine wichtige Tradition für mich ist

Why doesn't your national anthem appeal to you?
- I think it is too patriotic.
- I don't like the content of the text.
- I don't like the music.
- I'm just not the person for tradition.
Warum spricht dich deine Nationalhymne nicht an?
- Ich finde, sie ist zu patriotisch
- Ich mag den Inhalt des Textes nicht
- Ich mag die Melodie nicht
- Ich bin nicht der Typ für Traditionen

On what occasions do you sing your national anthem?
- I never sing my national anthem.
- Sporting events.
- National holidays.
- On other occasions.
Bei welchen Gelegenheiten singst du deine Nationalhymne?
- Ich singe meine Nationalhymne nie
- Sportliche Ereignisse
- Nationalfeiertage
- Bei anderen Gelegenheiten

Do you think your national anthem needs renewal?
- Yes, the text desperately needs to be revised.
- Yes, the music is too old fashioned.
- No, it is good the way it is.
Denkst du, deine Nationalhymne muss erneuert werden
- Ja, der Text muss dringend geändert werden
- Ja, die Melodie ist zu altmodisch
- Nein, sie ist gut so wie sie ist
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