
  • Liebe Forenteilnehmer,

    Im Sinne einer respektvollen Forenkultur, werden die Moderatoren künftig noch stärker darauf achten, dass ein freundlicher Umgangston untereinander eingehalten wird. Unpassende Off-Topic Beiträge, Verunglimpfungen oder subtile bzw. direkte Provokationen und Unterstellungen oder abwertende Aussagen gegenüber Nutzern haben hier keinen Platz und werden nicht toleriert.

Überprüfung meiner Rechtschreibung!



Hallo zusammen...
Ich wollte fragen ob hier jemand meinen Text auf Fehlern untersuchen kann(Also Zeit Grammatik undso...). Da ich Englisch nich so gerne mag und ich auch nicht so begabt darin bin wollte ich meinen Text einmal kontrollieren lassen.. Ich bedanke mich schon mal im voraus.

Text: Hänsel und Gretel aus der Perspektive der Hexe

I thought one day, I needed again a child to eat.
I baked the whole one, gingerbread and put it on my house.
The smell of the gingerbread passed through the complete forest.
I heard something rustling at my little house. I waited and looked.
I called:” Knusper Knusper Knäuschen who knuspert at my little house?!”
No answer.... I called once again.
All at once a mild voice came and answered: “The wind the wind the heavenly child!”
In front of my house stood two young childs. I asked them to come in. I was very friendly, so I offered to them to eat something and drinks something.
I made 2 beds available for them - They was ready to slept by me, they lay in the beds and they slept as soon as possible.
In the night, I wake up Hänsel and carried him into my old stall and locked up him there. After that I wake up Gretel.
Gretel should cook good for Hänsel, so that he grows and thrives!
I said to Gretel:” If he is fat I will eat him!”
I looked at her. She was so astonished that she started bitterly to cry.
Every morning, I looked at Hänsel and said to him: "Hänsel puts your fingers out, I want to feel whether you became fat. “ But he was so thinly, that I doesn`t believe it.
After 4 weeks Hänsel become very thinly, than I decided, that I didn`t want to wait longer. Therefore, I said to Gretel:” Hänsel can be fat or lean, tomorrow I want to kill and cook him . In the next morning, I sent Gretel away to put water in a big cokking pot and to turn on the fire.
Before I wanted to prepare Hänsel, I still baked a bread.
I sent Gretel to the oven, because she should look whether the oven is hot enough to bake the bread.
Gretel come back and said, that she don´t know how she should make it.
I insulted her and considered myselves whether the right temperature.
Suddenly, I got a push and fell into the oven.
Gretel closed the door and I burned bitterly. End...

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